Friday, January 6, 2012

"Life is More Than What Meets the Eye"

So forgive me if I don't immediately state my name, so for now I'll say that my middle name is Curtis. I'm a 19 (almost 20) year old college student living in New York. I'm not as free spirited as I wish I could be, and asking my friends, they'll say I a great person (though sometimes odd) and a little nerdy.

Admittedly, I believe that I am a strange child still, though my maturity can change depending on the crowd and situation. I'm a huge Doctor Who fan (mostly David Tennant) and even have my own Sonic Screwdriver replica. I am insecure about some of the things I do, but I know for a fact that I want to be a High/Middle School Math teacher. Oh be quite about how math is evil, and to those are thinking, "Good for you!" I thank thee. Part of my oddness is from me jumping all over the place (my thoughts are never connected or organized).

So anyway, I'm not going to promise daily or weekly posts, let's face it we are all busy. What I will promise is a look into who I really am, something that I rarely share with anyone, and a piece of me that I generally hide.

Signing off, and hope the year has started well for anyone reading.

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